Great things are happening in the RGCGISD Library Services Department!

Battle of the Books

Grulla High School Digital Citizenship Week

Grulla High School Library Services

Digital Citizenship Week is Underway!

DPS Joins J&O Book Fair

Shop with a Trooper at the J&O Hinojosa Scholastic Book Fair!

A heartfelt thank you to our incredible state troopers for their generous donations to our book fair!

Roque Guerra, Jr. Elementary Library Time

Students at Roque Guerra Jr. Elementary had a blast reading There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! After enjoying the story, they got creative by learning how to draw their very own bats!

Hispanic Heritage Month Activities at RHS

RGCHS Library Services

Hispanic Heritage Month Activites in Full Swing!

Grulla Middle School

GMS Library Services

Spooky happenings at the GMS Library!