
Nora Escobedo

Nora Escobedo

Director for Guidance & Counseling

"Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person."

The RGCGISD counseling department follows the Texas Comprehensive Developmental Counseling Program, which is an integral part of the total educational program. It provides a systematic, planned approach for helping all students acquire and apply basic life skills by making optimal use of special knowledge and skills of school counselors. 

This program is based on four components, which are as follows:

Guidance Curriculum-the purpose of the guidance curriculum is to help students acquire age-appropriate knowledge and skills within the scope of the following content areas: self-confidence, development, motivation to achieve, decision making, goal setting, planning, problem-solving skills, interpersonal effectiveness, and responsible behavior.

Responsive Services-the purpose of the responsive services component is to intervene on behalf of those students whose immediate personal concerns or problems put their continued personal-social, career and/or educational development at risk.

Individual Planning- the purpose of the individual planning system is to guide all students as they plan, monitor, and manage their own educational career and personal-social development.

Systems Support-this component describes services and management activities that indirectly benefit students.

The RGCGISD Counseling Department’s mission is to implement a comprehensive and developmental counseling program for our students in grades Pre-K - 12th promoting student success through a focus on academic achievement, prevention, and intervention activities, advocacy, and social/emotional and career development to meet the needs of the students and community. 

The comprehensive development and counseling program model is embedded in the RGCGISD academic curriculum and covers these strands:

  • Self-knowledge and acceptance

  • Interpersonal and communication skills

  • Conflict resolution

  • Decision making/problem solving

  • Motivation to achieve

  • Goal setting

  • Career planning

We encourage parents to make an appointment with their child's counselor to view the guidance curriculum and discuss what they can do together to create the most successful educational experience possible.

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Contact Information

Nora Lisa Escobedo 
Director for Counseling
Office: (956) 370-4708

Roxanne R. Garza 
Director for College, Career & Military Readiness
Office: (956) 370-4721

Dr. Karina K. Garcia-Saenz
Acting Director for Prevention and Intervention
Office: (956)716-6690

Veronica Briones
Counseling Secretary
Office: (956)370-4743

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