Rio Grande City HS student Isaac Pena recieved today the award of 2nd Team Cross Country Academic All State Team.
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Congratulations to our Rio Rattlers Boys & Girls Wrestling Teams for a great performance at the Mcallen Memorial Wrestling Invitational held Dec. 2-3. The Girls finished 6th out of 29 teams and the boys finished 4th out of 29 teams. Below are individual top places from our Rattler student athletes. They will be competing at the Sharyland Invitational this Friday Dec. 9th. #rattlerstrong #RGCGISDproud 107-Vivien Canales 1st 235-Norissa Escobedo 2nd 138-Aiden Valdovinos 4th 150-Edrick Pena 4th 157-Landen Lopez 1st 165-Greg Vela 1st 285-Aidan Stafford 1st
over 2 years ago, Honorio Garza
The Fine Arts Department will be presenting Christmas Concerts throughout different campuses throughout RGCGISD. Make sure to come and see the talent RGCGISD has to offer with performances made by our students! Make sure to look at the schedule below to put it on YOUR schedule!
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
GAMEDAY: Our Lady Gators will play the visiting San Perlita Trojans tonight at 5:30/6:30pm at the GHS Gym. Scan the QR code for tickets and a clearbag policy will be enforced. #gatorpride #RGCGISDproud
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
GHS Girls BB
Congratulations to our senior Grulla Gator Volleyball athletes Kiarabel Garza, Yoali de la Garza, and Aleynie Martinez for being chosen to play in the 4A East- West All Star Showcase on Sunday Dec. 11th at McAllen Memorial HS. The West team will be coached by our Grulla HS coaching staff led by Head Coach Juanita Gomez. #RGCGISDproud
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Gameday: Our Mighty Gators will be taking on the visiting Lyford Bulldogs in non-district action Sat. Nov. 19th at 1:30pm at our Grulla HS Gym. Scan the QR code for tickets or watch online on NFHSNETWORK.COM. #gatorpride
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Matchday: Our Grulla Gators Boys/Girls Wrestling Teams will be competing at the PSJA Bears Tournament Sat. Nov. 19th starting at 9am. Best to our Mighty and Lady Gators. #gogatorsgo
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
GHS Wrestling
We're thrilled to announce the new app for RGCGISD! It's everything RGCGISD, in your pocket. 

 Download for Android
 Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
District Application advertisement
To all RGCGISD Parents: We will be having early release on Friday November 18, 2022 to start off the Thanksgiving Break. All campuses will be dismissing students by 12 PM noon. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break by using this time to give thanks for our loved ones! Classes will resume Monday November 28, 2022
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Our Girls/Boys Rattler & Gator Basketball/Wrestling Teams will be in action at several venues these next few days. Best to our athletes and coaches in their tournament, games and matches. #rattlerpride #gatorpride
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Our Boys/Girls Rattler Wrestling Team will be traveling to Pharr-Vanguard in a tri-team match as wrestling season officially gets underway. Matches will begin at 4:30pm. #rattlerpride #RGCGISDproud
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Tonight ACE will be hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner at Grulla Middle School from 5:00 -7:00 PM for all the parents of students in the ACE program!
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
GAMEDAY: Non-district basketball play has officially begun. Our Lady Rattlers will travel to Valley View while the Mighty Rattlers will host the Mission Eagles. Get your home game tickets online or log on to http://NFHSNETWORK.COM to see livestreamed action. Clear bag policy will be enforced. #rattlerpride #RGCGISDproud
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Non-district basketball play has officially begun. Our Lady Gators will travel to Roma to take on Lady Gladiators at Roma HS Gym while the Mighty Gators will host the Progreso Red Ants at our GHS Gym. Buy home game tickets online or log on to http://NFHSNETWORK.COM to see home livestreamed action. #gatorpride #RGCGISDproud
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Mrs. Clarissa A. Ibañez, RGCGISD Director of Student Assessment together with other RGCGISD Campus Testing Personnel attended the 37th Annual Texas Assessment Conference on November 7th-9th. Celebrating its 37th year in 2022, the Texas Assessment Conference remains the only statewide conference dedicated to providing the latest information on assessment, testing, and accountability in education — elementary, secondary, and post-secondary. Attendees received the latest information from state agencies and policymakers, who shared the best implementation practices in schools, districts, colleges, and universities. They were able to meet and confer with Texas Commissioner of Education, Mike Morath who addressed the group and focused on how educators need to keep working hard to get better for our students. Morath emphasized the importance of assessment and accountability and specified "If you don't measure it, you don't know what to improve." He reflected on the impact of COVID-19 and how it created an unprecedented education disruption across the state with local school districts, policymakers, and other external stakeholders looking to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for guidance and support. He stressed and reiterated that TEA is dedicated to providing increasing levels of support to all educators, students, and families. Commissioner of Education Mike Morath emphasized how the agency continues to support Texas school districts. The RGCGISD Testing Staff also attended many informative and enlightening sessions led by Mr. Jose Rios, TEA Executive Director for Student Assessment and his staff. In those particular, sessions and they were able to gain memorable insight and valuable information to empower and prepare everyone at their respective campuses for all upcoming state-mandated assessments. Mrs. Ibañez and all the Campus Testing personnel who attended the informative and memorable conference want to thank Mr. Adolfo Peña, Jr., Superintendent of Schools and The RGCGISD School Board of Trustees for allowing them the opportunity to attend and bring back such valuable information!
over 2 years ago, Honorio Garza
From our Superintendent, Adolfo Pena Jr, our entire School Board of Trustees, and everyone at RGCGISD, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the men and women who have proudly put on a uniform and served our country. It was Charles B. Rangel who said, “Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.” We salute you and please know you have our everlasting gratitude. "The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude." — Jeff Miller
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Veterans Day
All-District Recognitions: Congratulations for a successful volleyball season at Grulla HS including the 2022 Volleyball 🏐 All-District Honors for our Lady Gators. Way to go Lady Gators and coaching staff. #gatorstrong #RGCGISDproud
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Volleyball GHS
Girls Varsity Basketball: Our Lady Gators and Lady Rattlers are at basketball tournaments beginning today Nov. 10th -12th around the area and region. The Lady Gators will be playing at the LJISD Tournament and the Lady Rattlers will be playing at the Corpus Christi ISD Tournament. Best to both of our teams as they work toward a successful district season. Both teams will continue with non-district play on Tuesday Nov. 15th.
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Rio Grande City High School Students will now have a chance to compete in ESPORTS! Make sure to check out the details on the flyer!
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
RGC  Esports
Reminder that tomorrow RGCGISD will be hosting a breakfast and a program afterwards for all the veterans of the community! Make sure to read the flyer below for more details!
over 2 years ago, Rio Grande City Grulla ISD
Veterans Day